
桂林市梵心小筑Fan's House怎么样?有什么好玩的地方?


梵心小筑位于阳朔县城中心石马路,成熟的生活商圈,离西街约二公里,交通便捷,停车方便。房子位于小区内,三楼你可以轻松起驾。三房二卫一厅一厨一爆厅谨美阳台。旅行的路上,一直想找个地方安静地看扮租基会型卖书,以一种空灵清净的心态去体会生活的点滴。那年遇见北欧,无法不喜欢起来!翻过那些山丘,有人等候。穿过那些人海,有人陪伴。如果来到,记得就好。阳朔梵心小筑,行走生活里的仪式感 ! Relax, unwind and feel right at home in this stylish apartment, located in an ideal area with easy access to all Yangshuo has to offer. Fan's House utilises three spacious bedrooms, incluidng en suite for the master bedroom and a fun bunk bed room for the kids. Fill your bags full of delicious, fresh ingredients from the market across the street. Come home and cook them up in a fully furbished kitchen, with microwave oven, rice cooker, electric stove and fridge freezer.

飞猪上还可以查看更多有关于梵心小筑Fan's House的介绍和玩法还有周边的景点

文章地址: https://www.gl58.com/article/22707.html


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